12/09/2024 às 11:10

How to Use the Extenuating Circumstance Form with Expedia US: A Complete Guide

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An Extenuating Circumstance Form is typically used when a customer encounters unexpected situations that affect their ability to follow through on reservations or plans, such as flights or hotel bookings. This could be due to emergencies, health issues, or unforeseen travel restrictions. Writing a formal extenuating circumstance form for Expedia, with a 3,000-word length requirement, would involve carefully laying out each aspect of the request in a structured manner.

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Part 1: Introduction

Dear Expedia Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a cancellation and refund for my upcoming trip to New York City, scheduled between September 10 and September 15, 2024. Due to unforeseen and extenuating circumstances, I am unable to follow through with the trip and would appreciate your understanding in assisting with the cancellation process. Below, I will outline the reasons for this request in detail and provide supporting documentation where applicable.

Part 2: Detailed Explanation of Extenuating Circumstances

2.1. Medical Emergency

One of the most significant reasons behind my request for cancellation stems from a medical emergency that I experienced in the last two weeks. On August 25, 2024, I was admitted to [Hospital Name] due to a sudden illness, which has since required ongoing treatment. After multiple consultations, it was determined that I need to undergo surgery, scheduled for September 12, 2024, which coincides with my intended travel dates.

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This development was entirely unexpected, as I had planned the trip months in advance, believing I would be in good health. Unfortunately, this medical condition has now rendered it impossible for me to travel, given that I will be in recovery for at least three weeks post-surgery.



Supporting Documentation:

  • Doctor's note (attached)
  • Hospital admission report (attached)

2.2. Family Emergency

Compounding my medical situation is an urgent family matter that arose on August 30, 2024. My elderly parent, who lives alone in another state, suffered a severe fall and has been hospitalized with multiple fractures. As her primary caregiver, I am required to attend to her care and recovery, as there are no other immediate family members available to help.

My parent will need assistance with day-to-day activities and rehabilitation, requiring me to remain in close proximity for the next several weeks. This emergency adds another layer of complication, as I cannot leave her side during this critical period.

Supporting Documentation:

  • Hospital report for my parent (attached)
  • Caregiver affidavit (attached)

2.3. Travel Restrictions Due to Local Events

While the primary reasons for my request are based on personal emergencies, I would also like to bring to your attention recent developments in New York City that have contributed to my decision to cancel the trip. Due to a significant event in the city, several major roads and public transportation routes are expected to be shut down or heavily congested during my planned stay.

Local news outlets have reported that from September 9 to September 16, there will be large-scale events, including a global summit, which will significantly impact travel in and around New York City. As a tourist, this disruption would hinder my ability to enjoy the trip as planned, leading me to conclude that rescheduling the trip for a later time would be more appropriate.

Supporting Documentation:

  • News articles regarding city disruptions (attached)

Part 3: Impact of the Extenuating Circumstances on Travel Plans

3.1. Hotel Booking

The hotel booking at XYZ Hotel was made under non-refundable conditions, which I fully understood at the time of booking. However, given the extenuating circumstances outlined above, I kindly request that an exception be made. As I am unable to travel due to medical reasons and a family emergency, I would appreciate your consideration of a refund or, alternatively, a credit toward a future stay at the same hotel.

I have enjoyed stays at XYZ Hotel in the past and would love to return when circumstances permit. Therefore, if a full refund is not possible, a hotel voucher or credit for future use would be a generous compromise.

3.2. Airline Booking

The flight I booked with ABC Airlines is also non-refundable, and I am aware that standard policy may not allow for cancellations outside of the typical 24-hour grace period. However, I believe that my current situation qualifies as an extenuating circumstance, as the surgery and family emergency prevent me from traveling during the scheduled dates.

I have contacted ABC Airlines directly, and they advised me to submit my request through Expedia, as the booking was made through your platform. My preference is for a full refund or flight credit for future travel. If documentation is required from my healthcare provider, I am happy to provide additional details.

3.3. Additional Travel Arrangements

In addition to the flight and hotel, I had booked several non-refundable activities and tours in New York City, which I will now be unable to attend. These include:

  • A guided tour of the Statue of Liberty
  • A Broadway show scheduled for September 12
  • A dining reservation at an exclusive restaurant

I understand that refunds for activities and tours may be subject to different policies, but I kindly ask for your assistance in reaching out to the providers on my behalf. I would like to request either a refund or the opportunity to reschedule these activities for a future date.

Part 4: Proposed Resolution

I recognize that cancellations and refunds, especially under non-refundable policies, can be challenging. However, I am hopeful that Expedia will consider the extraordinary nature of my situation and work with me to find a suitable resolution. Below is a summary of the resolution I am proposing:

  1. Hotel Booking: A full refund or credit for future stays at XYZ Hotel.
  2. Airline Booking: A full refund or flight credit with ABC Airlines.
  3. Tours and Activities: Refunds or rescheduling options for non-refundable bookings.

If there are other alternatives that Expedia can offer in terms of compensation, I would be happy to discuss them. My primary goal is to resolve this matter amicably and fairly, given the circumstances.

Part 5: Request for Consideration

I fully understand that non-refundable policies are put in place to protect businesses and ensure commitment from customers. I did not anticipate being in the position I am in now and have always done my best to abide by the terms and conditions of my bookings.

However, life is unpredictable, and the combination of medical issues, family responsibilities, and local travel disruptions has left me with no choice but to cancel my plans. I would be incredibly grateful if Expedia could show compassion in this case and make an exception based on the unique and challenging circumstances I am facing.

In addition to the supporting documents already provided, I am more than willing to offer any further proof or information that may be required to substantiate my claims. If it helps expedite the process, I am available for a phone call or video conference at your earliest convenience to discuss the matter.

Part 6: Conclusion

To conclude, I would like to extend my thanks to the Expedia Support Team for taking the time to review my request. I have been a loyal customer for several years and have always enjoyed the convenience and reliability of booking through your platform. My current situation has been incredibly stressful, and any assistance you can provide would go a long way toward alleviating some of that burden.

I look forward to your response and hope for a positive outcome. Please let me know if there are any additional steps I need to take or further information I can provide to help with the resolution of this matter.

12 Set 2024

How to Use the Extenuating Circumstance Form with Expedia US: A Complete Guide

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